Established in 2023, The Lanka Leaders in Sustainable Development (LLSD) is a non- profit organization focusing on upliftment of poor and marginalized children and families through various income generation activities. The LLSD has engaged in social interventions and advocacy in many levels by conducting workshops and training programmes with Community Based Organizations (CBOs), Saving for transformation (S4T) and Producer group (PGs) to enhance capacities. The LLSD is implanting projects to promote and ensure child rights and ultimate goal is holistic development, LLSD is covering its project following thematic areas.

Education & Child Protection

Health & WASH


LLSD planned to build children libraries to promote the education and to fulfil the education needs in the rural areas and facilitating women societies to run children clubs under their supervisions and guidance. Further, to maintain satisfactory health status among children, LLSD planned to conduct housing improvement and water and sanitation projects. Women, Youth and teenager empowerment is the main objective of the LLSD, which it provides income generation for all in the rural areas and assures the economic security of a family as well as guarantees the social insurance as well. This is the one of main project carrying out be LLSD.

Since most of LLSD’s beneficiaries are below the poverty line, from the beginning LLSD has strived to facilitate them with more basic requirements and needs with the help of Government authorities. These programmes includes following activities,

The LLSD’s commitment to diversify is reflected by maintaining good relations and catering to different ethnic communities in the locality. In fact, the genesis of the organization is to bring the harmony and make better understanding among different communities irrespective of their cast, religion and ethnic backgrounds.

Monitoring and Evaluation of objectives

LLSD foundation uses the following outcome indicators to measure the impact of
programs that it carries out. Further monitoring is carrying out according to the LLSD’s
output monitoring procedure.


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LLSD foundation uses the following outcome indicators to measure the impact of programs that it carries out. Further monitoring is carrying out according to the LLSD’s output monitoring procedure.